£18,525 for violently assaulted teacher
In late 2008 a member of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers was patrolling the school entrance when he noticed a pupil smoking. Following the pupil back into the school, he asked to see the pupil’s school planner.
The pupil became verbally abusive and walked away. The member followed, repeating his request which was met with further verbal abuse. Inside the school, the pupil turned and pushed the teacher against a row of school lockers, pretending to headbutt him repeatedly. The teacher asked again to see the planner.
The pupil slammed a fire door into the teacher’s face, causing a cut above his eye and significant bruising to the eye socket, including a detatched left retina which was later diagnosed for resultant partial loss of vision.
The incident was formally reported to the Head Teacher who immediately instigated an investigation with pupil disciplinary proceedings, resulting in the permanent exclusion of the pupil.
When the member discovered he had suffered serious injury with his detached retina, he personall lodged an application with the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority, which rejected his application on the grounds the member failed to take all reasonable steps to report the incident as soon as possible to the police or other appropriate authority.
The member consulted ATL, which instructed Morrish Solicitors to represent him.
An application for review was also rejected, which was appealed. The appeal was successful and the member was awarded £18,525 damages compensation for his injuries.
– The identities of the victim and the school are with held on request. –
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