Morrish Solicitors secure £10,000 for injured ATL member
An ATL member received £10,000 settlement for injuries suffered when she fell while visiting a Wickes Building Supplies store.
Her fall, near a display area by the cash tills, was caused by a piece of wood believed to have come from one of the stores pallets. She contacted her union, which referred her case to Morrish Solicitors.
Her injuries to the right ankle, left hip, left wrist and lower back, and were mostly fully recovered within six weeks. Her left shoulder needed treatment with steroid injections, and recovery took 12-18 months. The accident caused a meniscal tear in her left knee, which acclerated arthritis by 5 years.
The defendant denied liability, disputing that the piece of wood had caused her accident, claiming their cleaning and housekeeping systems were adequate.
After Morrish Solicitors commenced Court proceedings, the Defendant agreed to settle for £10,000. Because the claim was successful, neither the member nor ATL will need to pay any legal costs.