Equity member Carol Royale receives compensation for clinical negligence claim
Equity member and actress, Carol Royle, received substantial compensation following a case of negligence in December 2008.
Carol sought the support of Equity to pursue a clinical negligence claim against the Practitioner, and they put her in touch with Duncan Gardiner at Morrish Solicitors, their legal provider, who with case notes and evidence from independent experts established that Carol had a claim.
At first the Practitioner denied that they were at fault and it was only after Duncan issued Court Proceedings that they admitted that they had been negligent.
Carol said: “It was upsetting and frustrating that the Practitioner took so many years to admit that they had made mistakes and failed to carry out work with reasonable skill and care. I don’t know where I would have been without Equity. They were fantastic. They were immediately there supporting me and I am forever grateful for the help I received. I really could not have done it without their backing. I was introduced by Equity to the wonderful lawyer Duncan Gardiner at Morrish Solicitors to deal with my case. He specialises in clinical negligence claims and was diligent and worked very hard on my behalf, collecting all the evidence and reports. He was in close contact with me over all the years it took. There were times when I doubted we would get there, but Duncan never gave up. My barrister too, was marvellous, and never doubted, for a moment, that we had a strong case.
It was very important for me to take these proceedings. I worry about those without the support that I had, as, for every one person like me, there must be countless who have been affected and yet are unable to take action. If nothing else, I hope that this practitioner is now taking more care, listening to and heeding the wishes of his patients.”
Morrish Solicitors LLP provides expert legal advice for clinical negligence cases, accidents and injuries to Equity members and their families.