Equity member receives settlement for injury on film set
Sally Hawkins needed Equity’s help when she was injured on a film set and the insurance company refused to pay.
Sally was filming a ‘fight scene’ with the male lead. The scene was repeated many times on unsteady ground, while the film crew were covering various angles in many different shots. The last time Sally fell she felt a crack in her collar bone.
The film company’s insurance firm, initially refused to accept responsibility for Sally’s injury. Recalling her experience, Sally said “It was upsetting and frustrating. You go through it emotionally as well as physically. It did drain me. When an entire insurance company disputes something you have personally experienced it makes you question yourself. But it can affect everything. When it was all over I felt a weight immediately lift. It was quite extraordinary. Something went from me that I had obviously been carrying around for a few years.”
Sally said “I don’t know where I would be without Equity. They were fantastic. They were immediately there as this huge support to lean on. Equity introduced me to a wonderful lawyer Simon Wilson, at Morrish Solicitors, Equity’s team of specialist injury experts. He was diligent and worked so incredibly hard on my behalf, collecting all evidence, witness statements, medical reports. He was in close contact with me over the years it took. I never thought we would get there. But he never gave it up. It was very inspiring and I learnt a lot from the whole experience.”
For further information, please contact Clair Watmore at Morrish Solicitors on 0113 297 9844.