Free family law advice clinics in Yeadon and Pudsey

Noelle Heath, Partner and Head of Family Law, is holding free legal advice clinics at our branches in Yeadon and Pudsey.

She is offering 30 minutes of confidential advice on all family law issues including divorce, separation, financial orders, pre- and post-nuptial agreements.

Make an appointment now by calling 033 3344 9604 or email [email protected]:

Tuesday 25 March
2pm – 4pm
9 Lowtown, Pudsey

Friday 25 April
2pm – 4pm
51a High Street, Yeadon

Tuesday 29 April
2pm – 4pm
9 Lowtown, Pudsey

Tuesday 27 May
2pm – 4pm
9 Lowtown, Pudsey

Thursday 29 May
2pm – 4pm
51a High Street, Yeadon

Noelle Heath said:
“We understand how some people are more comfortable talking about sensitive family law-related issues in person. Therefore we’re hoping to be able to hold these free legal advice clinics monthly at our branches in Pudsey and Yeadon.”