JUAC calls for action to ensure national audit of asbestos in schools is carried out
Government estimates are that more than 75% of school buildings contain asbestos. The result is that occupants of schools are dying from the asbestos cancer Mesothelioma.
As the asbestos materials deteriorate, the number of school teachers dying from Mesothelioma has increased year on year from 15 in the period 1980 to 1985 to 64 in the period 2001 to 2005 with a total of 241 school teachers dying of Mesothelioma since 1980. School caretakers, cleaners, cooks, secretaries and teaching assistants have also died of this cancer.
The Joint Union Asbestos Committee (JUAC) believes that asbestos is such a significant problem that there must now be urgent action to ensure that a national audit of the type, location and condition of asbestos in our nations schools is carried out.
JUAC also calls for specific training and guidance for those responsible for managing absbestos in our nations schools and believes that ultimately the only real solution is a properly funded programme for the phased removal of absestos from our nations schools.
Julie Winn – Chair Joint Union Asbestos Committee