Morrish Solicitors secure compensation for ATL National Organiser
ATL National Organiser, Collette Bradford, slipped on liquid in Kings Cross Station on the way to work in the London Office. The liquid had leaked onto the platform whilst rubbish bins were being washed and no warning signs were erected. She suffered injuries to her shoulder, elbow, wrist and thigh. The defendant refused to admit responsibility and court proceedings were commenced. The case settled before trial and Collette received a significant settlement.
Collette said \”At first I reported it to the station Health & Safety officer to get the mess cleaned up so no-one else slipped on it. Although I was in shock I hadn\’t realised the extent of my shoulder injury which worsened over a short period of time. I reported it to the ATL Health & Safety Rep when I got to the office and they told me to get in touch with Morrish Solicitors which was the best thing I did. I got advice on medical treatment from a specialist very quickly and Julie Winn, the solicitor, was fantastic. Claiming for a personal injury isn\’t as time consuming process as you may think and Morrish Solicitors deal with everything for clients, giving advice and a friendly prompt service every step of the way!
\”I would advise ATL members and colleagues not to be afraid of reporting and recording any fall to their Health & Safety Rep, you never know if there are subsequent complications. Morrish Solicitors will help members by giving advice on claims for personal injury, help members get advice on treatment and recover compensation on a no win no fee basis where appropriate. Their service is first class\”
ATL members are advised to keep a photocopy of their accident report when an incident is reported and to keep full details of accidents that occur outside of the work place.
Slips and trips can happen anywhere, especially at this time of year and account for more than half of all accidents. Further information can be found on the ATL website http://www.atl.org.uk/health-and-safety