Case Studies Medical Negligence

£8,000 Awarded for Negligent Removal of Urinary Catheter

An award of £8,000.00 for the negligent removal of a urinary catheter which led to recurrent narrowing of the urethra requiring repeat surgery.

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£350,000 Awarded for Major Injury During Gall Bladder Removal

An award of £350,000.00 for major injury to the bile duct during gall bladder removal.

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£250,000 Awarded for Negligent Bunion Surgery

An award of £250,000.00 for negligently performed bunion surgery.

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£1 Million Awarded for Injury to Sciatic Nerve

An award of £1,000,000.00 for serious injury caused to the Claimant’s sciatic nerve

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£100,000 Awarded for Grade IV Pressure Sore

£100,000.00 for a man who developed a Grade IV pressure sore and required ongoing care

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£60,000 Awarded for Pressure Sores Developed in Hospital

£60,000.00 award to a paraplegic who developed a Grade IV sacral pressure sore whilst in hospital

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£25,000 Following Delayed Diagnosis of Retinal Haemorrhage

An award of £25,000.00 for the delay in diagnosis and treatment of  retinal haemorrhage resulting in complete loss of vision in the left eye

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£65,000 Awarded Following Extensive Bladder Injury

An award of £65,000.00 for extensive bladder and right ureteric injury suffered during a negligent colposuspension procedure to treat urinary stress incontinence.

20th Jan 2022
Case Studies Medical Negligence

£10,000 Awarded Following Ureteric Injury

An award of £10,000.00 for the ureteric injury suffered during a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy (TAH) necessitating further repair surgery.

20th Jan 2022