Employment Law

Our employment law team has decades of experience, representing people of all backgrounds through its work for individual clients, unions, associations, professional bodies and their members across the UK.

Speak to an employment solicitor

Call 033 3344 9600

How will your claim be funded?

Depending on the nature of your claim, there could be a number of funding options available to you. These include:

  • Legal Expenses Insurance
  • Fixed Fee
  • No win, no fee
  • Hourly rate

Please follow the link below to find out more.

Image of a person in a hard hat standing in front of machinery

Why choose Morrish Solicitors?

Our employment team has an excellent reputation for helping clients with a variety of employment law claims, including discrimination.

We understand that all circumstances are unique, which is why we listen carefully to your situation and provide the best possible solutions to support you.

We only represent individuals, not large organisations.

Expert advice, no matter where you live

We act for clients nationally and all our services can be provided in-person, over the phone or by email or post. Wherever you live, we’ll always be here to support you.

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Meet the employment team

Daniel Kindell

Partner & Head of Employment

David Sorensen

Managing Partner

Paul Scholey

Employment Consultant

Damian Kelly

Head of Professional Conduct & Regulatory, Employment Solicitor

Ranjit O’Mahony

Senior Solicitor, Employment

Tony Rippon

Associate Solicitor, Employment

Haylee Chambers

Associate Solicitor, Employment

Hanan Hewitson

Employment Solicitor

Omar Ghaffoor

Employment Solicitor

Erin Garnham

Employment Solicitor

Lawrence Ofori

Employment Solicitor

Christina Moore

Trade Union Helpdesk Advisor

Nicholas McMahon

Legal Assistant

Megan Knight

Graduate Solicitor Apprentice