Wills & Estates Pricing Information

The prices set out below cover probate work in uncontested cases where all the assets are in the UK. It is designed as a guide. In all cases we suggest you ring the office for a discussion about your case so we can clarify the guidance and give better information. In many cases we will give a fixed quote.

Cost Information

Obtaining a Grant only:

Estate less than £325,000 – there is no IHT (“Inheritance Tax” – the tax sometimes payable on estates) to pay

£600 plus VAT

Estate greater than £325,000 – then IHT issues may arise. Please ring for a fixed quote as there are many variables. Price likely to be in the region of £600 to £1,500 plus VAT depending on whether IHT is payable, whether it is necessary to find out information about a deceased spouse and the number and nature of the assets.

In simple cases a Grant can be obtained within 6-8 weeks of receiving your instructions.

Obtaining a Grant, collecting and distributing assets:

We can agree a fixed fee for dealing with the administration or work can be charged at an hourly rate (see rates below). We will give you a costs bracket (i.e. the total costs we will charge within a defined range) and timescale once we have more information from you. We will also estimate any IHT liability at that time.

As a normal part of our service we will:

  • Ascertain the assets and liabilities of the estate (if not already done)
  • Complete on your behalf the probate documents to be signed by the Personal Representatives (“PRs” – called Executors if appointed by a Will)
  • Calculate the IHT and advise on how to pay it
  • Make an application for a Grant
  • Pay any IHT
  • Prepare forms for the PRs to sign to sell/cash in/transfer assets
  • Collect in those assets
  • Pay any debts
  • Finalise matters with HMRC about IHT
  • Prepare estate accounts and
  • Distribute the estate

The factors that might change our fees as the time spent (and hence the cost) will depend on many factors:

  • Whether we are the Executors or one of them
  • Whether there is a Will and any difficulties in finding one
  • How many assets are in the estate, especially if there is more than one property
  • Ascertaining liabilities
  • Difficulties in locating Deeds, share certificates or other documents of title
  • How many beneficiaries and their traceability. Costs will rise markedly when there is difficulty finding beneficiaries when there is no Will (known as “intestacies)
  • Whether IHT is payable
  • Difficulties in valuing assets e.g. properties, shares in private companies
  • Whether there are contested aspects of the estate
  • Whether it is necessary to advertise for creditors.


  • In all cases where a Grant of Probate or Letters of Administration is needed there is a Probate Registry fee of £300 plus an additional £1.50 per sealed copy required
  • There will be separate costs for the sale or transfer of any property in the estate
  • VAT is currently 20%
  • If other external payments are recommended e.g. paying an accountant to do an income tax return or a genealogist to find a beneficiary or prepare a family tree then we will discuss this with you.

Hourly Rates 

It is impossible to give any accurate estimate at the outset of the time it will take to administer the estate. All estates are different. If there is a property to sell then the administration will probably take longer than otherwise. A “best estimate” will be given in writing as soon as it is practicable and we will regularly update you to inform you about costs.

Speak to a member of our team

Call 033 3344 9609

Meet Our Wills and Estates Team

Tom Morrish

Senior Partner & Head of Wills & Estates

Emma Garfitt

Partner, Wills & Estates

Sian Company

Chartered Legal Executive

Gayle Eastwood

Wills and Probate Assistant

Jamie Jaskolka

Graduate solicitor apprentice