TSSA member receives settlement for accident on train platform
Jane was on her way to work and after disembarking her train she slipped. Liquid had leaked onto the platform whilst rubbish bins were being washed and no warning signs were erected.
“At first I reported it to the station Health & Safety officer to get the mess cleaned up so no-one else slipped on it. I was in shock, so hadn’t realised the extent of my injuries which worsened over a short period of time.”
Jane had suffered serious injuries to her shoulder, elbow, wrist and thigh, which later required surgery and numerous months of physiotherapy.
“When I got to the office I reported it to our TSSA Rep and they told me to call the TSSA Injury Helpline which was the best thing I ever did.”
Jane was then put in touch with Joe at Morrish Solicitors, TSSA’s legal experts in accidents and injury claims
“I got advice on medical treatment for my injuries from a specialist very quickly and Joe, the solicitor, was fantastic,” says Jane. “Claiming for a personal injury isn’t as time consuming process as you may think and Morrish solicitors deal with everything for clients, giving advice and a friendly prompt service every step of the way!”
Joe contacted the cleaning company involved alleging they had failed to adopt basic health and safety measures and had breached regulations. Initially, they refused to admit liability, so Joe commenced and court proceedings. Following negotiations and evidence obtained, the cleaning company admitted their mistakes and the case was settled before a trial. Jane accepted a significant settlement for her injuries.
“I couldn’t believe the cleaning company refused to admit they were at fault initially, as they had made basic health and safety mistakes. I really appreciated the support provided by TSSA and Joe at Morrish solicitors. They give advice on claims for personal injury, help members get advice on treatment and recover compensation on a no win no fee basis where appropriate. I was able to get proper rehabilitation with my compensation and thanks to them I am now back at work.”
Certain details have been altered to protect the victims.
Morrish Solicitors LLP provides expert legal advice for accidents and injuries.