Update Your Will Week 2024
Update Your Will Week takes place 4 – 10 March 2024. The objective of this is to encourage people to make sure that their wills are up to date, so that their wishes can be met when they die.
Why update your will?
Having an up to date will ensures that your wishes are carried out in the manner that you would like after you die. Having everything laid out will also make things easier for your loved ones and avoid any potential disputes of the will.
If you die without leaving a will, any assets that belonged to you will be distributed under the “rules of intestacy”. This means that only married or civil partners and some other close relatives will inherit. This could lead to turmoil between your loved ones and that your wishes are not carried out in the way you would have intended.
How often should you update your will?
It is recommended by the Association of Lifetime Lawyers that you should update your will every five years, or when a change happens that has a major impact on you or your loved ones. This could be a marriage, divorce, birth or death.
Making changes to, or creating a will
Tom Morrish and Emma Garfitt of our wills and estates team are both Accredited Lifetime Lawyers and experienced in a range of will writing services including complex situations or large estates, and simpler wills, designed for individuals with more straight-forward requirements. They will endeavour to support you through the process with care, empathy and attention.